Late one day I was driving home from shopping in Harrogate when the phone rang. A woman asked if I was available. Without pausing for a reply she pronounced loudly ‘I need a man for my husband’. It was a winding road and I don’t have ‘hands free’ so after further garbled conversation not helped by a poor signal, I pulled in to a layby as she rang back a second time. Her name was Kathleen. It turned out she was indeed serious, and wanted a man to satisfy not only her husband’s bi-curiosity but her own interest as a voyeur. They were in South Yorkshire, the opposite direction to which I was travelling. She was saying she wanted him ‘NOW‘; clearly they were both horned up and I suspected it could be ‘the drink’ talking. I told her I’d call back in a wee while when I got home.
Next time round she was more composed and a little flirty. She didn’t really know whether she wanted me solo or myself & Fun50Minx (my long term partner & female escort) together as a couple. Minx was convalescing after being off sick so it was agreed that I’d go solo. Kathleen sounded excited. I too was looking forward to the meeting but feared I’d receive a text calling it all off in a short while. So before leaving I sent a message to say ‘I’m on my way’ just to see what the reaction would be. It was all good! A green light. I’d also checked their address on Google Map; it was a large rambling house in a tiny hamlet out in the country; I’d asked what kind of car they had so I could verify their address in the dark. The make and model matched what I saw on Google Street View, so I was confident they were genuine.
When I arrived later that evening there were two houses adjacent, both with the same make and colour of car, so I called them. Hubby answered this time and I caught sight of him on a doorstep beckoning me towards their home. He was dressed in a polo shirt and a kind of towel-come-throw, reminiscent of Indian or even hippy dress & culture. He was stocky with a broad smile, & greeted me warmly as I shut off the car’s engine and reached for my briefcase…packed full of sex toys & consumables. During the phone conversations I’d heard him shouting in the background, and had wondered privately if this was a meet arranged by the wife without his full consent. I needn’t have worried. I was ushered into a large and comfortable country style living room with a glowing wood-burner. A pretty blonde in her 50’s sat on a sofa, her face lighting up as I crossed the room to kiss her and say ‘Hello’. Her other half went away to get me a drink, returning with a beer, then sat back down next to Kathleen.

The pair were quick to tell me they’d never done anything like this before. Gently probing them for more information revealed they’d ‘swung’ once and were disappointed, so much so they didn’t want to repeat the experience; she said she didn’t like it. She also said she didn’t want to participate tonight except as a voyeur, which I thought was a pity. She was fit and attractive, a svelte Size 6, dressed in a leopard print tunic with three quarter length sleeves half cut out, black leggings and chunky ankle boots. Her outfit screamed ‘I’m still sexy, I’m still fun’ and indeed she was. They asked ‘what I did’ and were fascinated to learn I was a full time male escort. It wasn’t long before I was kneeling on the floor whispering to her man [Terry] about his same sex desires. Wifey watched from a distance, sat on another sofa opposite. Apparently Terry had always been turned on by the sight of other men’s cocks but never done anything more than watch gay and bi porn…with his wife. I told him I got turned on by bottoms, both male and female; he reiterated that ‘cock’ was his preference, prompting me to remove his towel and to begin handling him. His penis was average in size and flaccid. He apologised in advance about the likelihood of him failing to achieve a full erection as an ED sufferer; I explained to him that it’s a common problem in men of all ages, and there were ways to help, including a change of scenery, cock rings, silk scarves, sexual performance enhancers & more. I re-assured him he had nothing to prove and he could relax. This was meant to be a fun-time.
“I rose from a kneeling position to half straddling him and kissing him… which turned Kathleen on like a switch. She got even more excited when I went down on him”
I wanted her not to hold back; yes it would be nice if she’d get all her kit off, but I didn’t want to be pushy, and suggested that it would be quite OK if she wanted to openly masturbate while watching. Terry was quite enthusiastic and after a while inquired as to ‘How close would I get to actually fucking him?’ I suppose they assumed between themselves that my male escort profile might be like so many others, long on promises but short on delivery. I’d already told Kathleen on the phone to make sure her man ‘was clean in all his little places’. She assured me they both were. My reply to Terry was it depended on how clean he was and how tight he was. I also told him I had the experience & know-how to make him ready for ‘the full service’ while reaching to gently rub his bum hole and to finger him. Things got pretty hot and full-on playing on the sofa and later down and dirty on the carpet. I stretched a condom over some big anal beads. From fingering I knew he was well past the beginner stage, and gently inserted them in full view of Kathleen. This sent her over the top; She stood up, removing her ankle boots…it was quite comical as one proved difficult to kick off! She was very turned on and excited, & in urgent need of frigging herself off. Immediately, like NOW! She dropped her leggings and kicked those off too, exposing her girly cunt completely shaven, trim thighs and a pert bottom, partially concealed by the tunic. She sat back down, legs open, stimulating herself with a tiny pink vibrator. Once I’d primed his man-cunt with the beads it was time to move on to something bigger, a 4” jelly cock dildo, and one of my faves for bi-curious men; It’s quite fat and fairly short. If they can take that they can usually take cock with a bit more work. You need a decent coating of anal lube. I use one with a slight anesthetic in it for newbies. It numbs the sensation a little. There usually follows a few ‘Oohs’ and ‘Ahhs’ as the probe gently slips in. Asking men to relax and to try and ‘draw it in’ with their sphincter muscle also helps. Then there comes that sweet moment when it pops right in as far as the flange. Folks…you need to remember that an ass unlike a pussy has no end as such, so you must use toys designed for anal use for safety’s sake OK? You really DON’T WANT to end up in A&E do you? A guy told me recently he’d been fucked years ago by a man way too big & with no compassion or feeling, causing injury and the need for surgery to RECTify things (sorry I couldn’t resist that). He’d never been the same since…isn’t that just awful? So always play safe and with people who know what they’re doing. Once Terry had it fully inserted I proceeded to fuck him gently with it, causing Kathleen to stand and masturbate to a really noisy climax. It was a good job the house was detached cuz her cries were loud and extreme;
“It felt so good to me that these two people were getting off and I was delivering the experience they’d hoped for and more”…
While probing him with the dildo I was getting another condom ready for my own cock. Rolling it on, I encouraged Terry to draw his knees up to his chest. Grabbing a large black shaggy cushion I shoved it under his lower back and bottom, raising his ass to an easier position for penetration. Balancing on the cushion with legs either drawn up, or wide and open I know feels sexy, and ‘vulnerable’ …adding fuel to the raging sexual fire.
I don’t want to get boring but the two of us fucked every which way. Him on his tummy and me on top gave Kathleen a grandstand view of two asses and two set of balls; it fulfilled her dream as a voyeur. I finished off in a scissors position, telling Kathleen to come close and seat herself down on the sofa next to us on the floor. She could see my cock sliding directly into his anus, slowly in and out, a turn on for her which escalated into yet another powerful orgasm. Terry by now had had enough of fucking so we frotted which really seem to hit the spot for him. I’d tied his cock and balls tightly with a silk scarf to act as a ring (none of the 4 rings I carry with me fitted very well) and his semi flaccid penis responded, growing to around six inches and I’d say around 90% hard. It wouldn’t stay that way for long but no shame to him! This was a night of so many firsts with no signs of nerves. I tried every trick to make him climax but to no avail. Very often his kind will cum when I’m away down the road, when they’re reflecting on the enormity of it all and back in their ‘own private space’. An escort who tells you they guarantee to make a guy cum every time is a liar, it’s just not like that in real-life with all its stresses, ailments, poor work-life balances, and lousy diets…all contributors to diminishing sexual performance. Repeat meetings so as to get to know each other better, experimentation with natural enhancers like Zuyosa, Viagra, and aids like rings, sleeves, or just patience & persistence will often improve the situation. It’s a subject in itself & close to my heart from meeting so many men, former studs some of them, struggling as they age to maintain performance. (and don’t think it’s just Boomers & GenXer’s! I’ve met guys in their thirties who can’t maintain an erection). Terry peaked when we were frotting together but alas, I couldn’t quite get him finished off. He said as much, but now they both wanted to see me cum. I positioned myself between them on the sofa, sat back deep in the seat, legs open, one over Terry who wanked me while fingering my ass, the other leg over Kathleen’s. She started yelling words of encouragement but told me not to ‘spunk in her hair’. She tweaked my right nipple hard, enough to make me cum like a Roman Candle, heavy white jism exploding in all directions, then raining back down upon the three of us. Phew! Glorious, and what a lovely genuine fun couple these two turned out to be.
While warming down, they asked me a thousand questions about life as a mature male escort; they were especially fascinated by outcall experiences…What were the guys like? Was it safe? Kathleen was interested to learn that most clients are married men. She agreed with something Minx told me once that escorts often save marriages from break-up by providing an outlet for men who can’t or daren’t confide with significant others about their kinky desires. Kathleen and her man had no hang ups at all about who did what with whom, providing no-one was forced, co-erced or harmed, the very essence of SEX POSITIVITY.

If you’re a couple and either one of you has the slightest interest in three-way sex, and/or same-sex desire or any other kink, then have time for one another, talk, and listen. Broach the subject gently…you never know what the reaction will be. We all assume we know our partner’s inside out, but in reality, we often DON’T. Bisexuality ‘outed’ and tamed can be a truly wonderful thing and is often a ticket to an ever stronger relationship.
You’ve heard the saying ‘Couples who play together stay together’ haven’t you? Being bi-curious or bi-sexual doesn’t mean you’re gay! It means you’re liberated and modern and living YOUR OWN LIFE, not some stereotypical supposedly ‘normal’ existence foisted upon you by the ‘holier than thou’ or ‘conformist’ brigade. Two fingers to them! And two fingers you know where ? ? Until next time, Have fun, Stay safe sane & consensual, Luv fun50geeze xx
Give me a call if you’re anything like Terry & Kathleen. I would love to meet you! I can/will travel Nationwide. Call 07756-209560 anytime between 7AM and 9PM to arrange a meeting. Don’t be shy, Life’s short so don’t be ‘wondering’
Get in touch 🙂